Hello! My name is Nathan Russo, and I am thrilled you are checking out my game.
Dev-Maze is a maze generation game. The player generates and solves a given maze.
I have always enjoyed making mazes. I would draw massive ones in the sand at the beach.
During my first year at RIT, I participated in CSH Hacks,
where I decided to create version 0 of Dev-Maze. It was written in Python,
using Turtle. It generated one maze and allowed the player (turtle) to move from the start
corner to the end corner.
As a member of CSH, I am required to create a major project
once a year. Using the idea from CSH Hacks, I decided to make Dev-Maze proper on CSH's arcade machine
Devcade. Dev-Maze version 1 was written in C# and MonoGame.
The game generates random, loop-erased mazes, using a variation of Wilson's Maze Algorithm.
The player can select 9 different maze sizes from a 1x2 to a 40x80.
After completing Dev-Maze version 1, I had one reoccurring issue. Non-CSH members
had limited access to my game. Unless Devcade was moved for RIT events, the game was stuck on the CSH floor.
So, for my second year project, I decided to recreate Dev-Maze through a website to allow anyone
to play the game.
Dev-Maze version 2, this website, is written in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. The maze generation algorithm has been improved and optimized. Instead of having 9 preset sizes, this website can generate any sized maze from a 1x1 to the max number of rows x the max of columns. The maximum dimensions are based on the available screen size. As the screen gets larger, the mazes can become more complex. If the mazes are less complex, the website will increase the block size to maximize the available space.
Thank you for reading the history of Dev-Maze. I hope you enjoy solving these mazes. Good luck!